Thursday, 7 July 2016

Boli & Epa (Roasted Plantain & Groundnut

             Boli & Epa

Boli and Epa is one of Nigeria's many street food. Boli is roasted plantain whilst Epa is simply groundnuts/roasted peanuts and the match of these two is definitely one made in heaven. 

I remember growing up I had a friend and neighbour, that went to the same high school as I did and would usually do the journey home together. My friend introduced me to "Boli & Epa",she liked Boli so much that she would rather spend her transport fare on buying Boli and leg it (walk) home or better still beg that we lap each other(carrying each other and pay for one seat instead of two) and I would get half of her Boli in return. This was how got introduced to Boli, my friends Dad also loved Boli, she bought it for him anytime she's done something wrong or simply wants him to request something from him. This was how I was introduced to Boli, although I won't say I have been a loyal fan of Boli.

Boli is not on my top list of 'go to snacks' but I had this nostalgic feeling and decided to give Boli a chance. So here is my first attempt at making Boli in an oven.


Plantain (not banana)
Groundnuts/ Roasted salted Peanuts


Peel the plantain (I think mine's a tad too ripe)


Put some salt i water and mix

Brush the Plantain with the salted water

Place on the rack and grill in an oven at about 150 F  for about 6-8 mins on each side.

Turn to the other side making sure both side are cooked

Although, this is not the best Boli I have seen or eaten but I don't think its really bad for a first try either. If you have any tips for me on getting the perfect Boli please drop a comment.

PS: Boli can also be enjoyed with fresh palm oil (all thanks to my friend)


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